Reference from Guide to the Most Important JVM Parameters
1. OverviewIn this quick tutorial, we’ll explore the most well-known options which can be used to configure the Java Virtual Machine.
2. Explicit Heap MemoryOne of the most common performance-related practices is to initialize the heap memory as per the application requirements.That’s why we should specify minimal and maximal heap size. B ...
OverviewThese are all the folders and files the Angular CLI created for you. This is your entire Angular project.
Project dependenciesOne of the most important files is Package.json which is your dependency configuration file.Here you can see all the dependencies of your project like Angular 6 and these are third-party packages your project needs to run correctly.All devDependencies are only requi ...
Reference from Angular Quick Start
Angular CLIOverviewhe Angular CLI is a tool to initialize, develop, scaffold and maintain Angular applications.
Getting StartedTo install the Angular CLI:1npm install -g @angular/cli
Generating and serving an Angular project via a development server Create and run a new project:123ng new my-projectcd my-projectng serve
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The ap ...
Angular 1Angular 1 was the first Angular framework to really make single page applications and this better way of manipulating the DOM popular back in the times
Angular 2Angular 2, back at the time in 2015-2016 was a complete rewrite of Angular 1 which fix many of the problems Angular 1 had though; mostly performance issue.
Angular 3There is no Angular 3 released and Google decided to move to Angu ...
DescriptionAngular is a JavaScript Framework which allows you to create reactive Single-Page-Application (SPAs)
How is it done?JavaScript changes the DOM, changes whatever is displayed here (in the browser), by changing the HTML code during runtime. That is why you never see the refresh icon on the top-left spin; because we’re only changing the currently-loaded page. You can even see that if you i ...
Reference from LinkedinBlog
When the first humans roamed this earth, they were mostly non-verbal creatures, with no shared language. Therefore, they had to make quick judgments of strangers based solely off the stranger’s body language, to conclude if they were friend or foe.
All these years later, despite the advent of language, those instincts have not left us. Science bears that out, as studi ...
WHAT IS IT?FoxyProxy is a proxy which automatically switches an internet connection across one or more proxy servers based on URL patterns. Put simply, FoxyProxy automates the manual process of editing browser’s Connection Settings dialog. Proxy server switching occurs based on the loading URL and the switching rules you define.
FoxyProxy sells reliable, fast, secure VPN and proxy servers in 96+ ...
Why Atom?There are a lot of text editors out there; why should you spend your time learning about and using Atom?
Editors like Sublime and TextMate offer convenience but only limited extensibility. On the other end of the spectrum, Emacs and Vim offer extreme flexibility, but they aren’t very approachable and can only be customized with special-purpose scripting languages.
We think we can do bett ...
DescriptionIt is not uncommon for a typical Java project to devote hundreds of lines of code to the boilerplate required for defining simple data classes. These classes generally contain a number of fields, getters and setters for those fields, as well as equals and hashCode implementations. In the simplest scenarios, Project Lombok can reduce these classes to the required fields and a single @Dat ...